Connecting to Occidental Secure Wifi
For iPhone:
Open device settings
Navigate to Network & Internet or Wi-Fi
Select Occidental
Enter Oxynet username (no and password

You may receive a second pop-up with a certificate.
Verify the certificate is for
Trust the certificate

For Android:
Open device settings
Navigate to Network & Internet or Wi-Fi
Select Occidental
EAP Method: PEAP
Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
CA certificate: Use System Certificates
Online Certificate Status: Do Not Verify
Identity: Oxynet Username (no
Anonymous Identity: (leave blank)
Password: Oxynet Password

For Mac:
Open device settings
Navigate to Network & Internet or Wi-Fi
Select Occidental
Enter Oxynet username (no and password
Click “OK”

You may receive a second pop-up with a certificate.
Verify the certificate is for
Click “Continue”

For Windows:
Open device settings
Navigate to Network & Internet or Wi-Fi
Select Occidental
A warning message may pop up when initially selecting the Occidental Wifi. Verify that you are connecting to the correct wifi address, then click “Connect”

Enter Oxynet username (no and password
Click “OK”

The warning message from earlier may pop up again. Click “Connect”